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[78] GALAM S. Social paradoxes of majority rule voting and renormalization group [J]. J Stat Phys, 1990, 61: 943 951. [79] GALAM S. Heterogeneous beliefs, segregation, and extremism in the making of public opinions [J].

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: 079-26447302, 26447598 Galam model. 参考文献 Galam S. Minority opinion spreading in random geometry [J]. The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 2002, 25(4):403-406. Gekle S, Peliti L, Galam S. Opinion dynamics in a three-choice system [J]. The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 2005, 45(4):569-575. 4/16/2019 [79] GALAM S. Heterogeneous beliefs, segregation, and extremism in the making of public opinions [J]. Phys Rev E, 2005, 71: 046123.[80] GALAM S. Contrarian deterministic effects on opinion dynamics: the hung elections scenario [J].